Monday, May 17, 2010


amazing wedding. great trip. even better friends. i hope my wedding someday is as wonderful as this one was. good luck adam and katherine. your wedding was a great testament to love.

on a funnier note. the drive to north carolina was like 12+ hours. so i had a lot of time to think. i came up with a redneck joke:

"you might be a redneck if your garage is bigger than your house."

1 comment:

  1. I can one up you on the redneck joke, I made one at the office yesterday. - "You might be a redneck if at a family Christmas party, a cousin suggests incest if a viable option for you..." Actually, I didn't make that up, that's what cousins say to other cousins about cousins in Tennessee. :(


just graduated. this camera was a gift from my grandma. thanks.
My photo
elgin, il, United States
architecture student with his first camera.
