Tuesday, June 1, 2010


some portraits from my graduation party sunday. thanks for everyone that came out. it was a great time. i am going to try and work on just taking good pictures. well composed, good lighting, that kind of thing. i want to not have any post production on my photos for a while, at least till i learn the right way to balance color and stuff like that. so for a while my pictures are going to be simply the output from the camera. nothing more. hopefully you enjoy the simplicity and rawness.

ps...i am about to leave for camp this summer. ill post when i can. hopefully about once or twice a week. i think ill have alot of opportunities for pictures there.


  1. more of these.
    and less blank space.

  2. i know i dont know why it has all the space. it doesnt look like that on my computer after i post. i checked on another computer and see what your talking about. ill work on it.


just graduated. this camera was a gift from my grandma. thanks.
My photo
elgin, il, United States
architecture student with his first camera.
